If you wish to work in Norway as healthcare personnel, you have to apply for a Norwegian authorisation or license.
Start serviceIf you wish to work in Norway as healthcare personnel, you have to apply for a Norwegian authorisation or license
The following 29 occupational groups have a protected title in Norway and there for need an authorisation or license before they can start working in the healthcare services:
Audiologist, Auxiliary Nurse, Cardiovascular Perfusionist, Care Worker, Chiropodist, Chiropractor, Clinical Nutritionist, Dental Health Secretary, Dental Hygienist, Dental Technician, Dentist, Emergency Medical Technician, General Nurse, Health Care Worker, Medical Laboratory Technologist, Medical Practitioner, Medical Secretary, Midwife, Occupational Therapist, Optometrist, Orthoptist, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, Physiotherapist, Prescriptionist, Prosthetist, Psychologist, Radiographer, Social Educator.
What attachments you must send in depend upon which approval you are applying for, what country you have your education/training from and what information you provide in your application. For more information, see.
For most applications, you must upload evidence of your education/training; e.g., a certificate/diploma, transcript/diploma supplement program description/course curriculum.