From 2023 onwards (the 2022 income year), all taxpayers must use the new tax return. Log in to to get to the correct version

About this form

Annual submission – deadline 30 April.

Submission exemption arrangement
If you do not need to make any changes to your pre-completed tax return, you can decide whether or not you wish to submit it. Regardless of whether or not you submit it, it is important that you check all the information and make sure that all income/wealth and deductions have been included.

Tax returns must be submitted by wage earners and pensioners.

To complete the Tax return for wealth and income tax – wage earners and pensioners etc., you will need the Altinn role Regnskapsfører med signeringsrettighet, Regnskapsfører uten signeringsrettighet and begrenset signeringsrettighet

Signing the form requires the role Limited signatory right or Accountant with signatory right.

If you do not have one of these roles, you must ask someone who does to delegate them to you. See our help pages for information about roles and rights.

Check that you have the necessary roles in good time before the submission deadline.

The Tax return for wealth and income tax – wage earners and pensioners etc. consists of a main form for everyone and various attachment forms for those who need them.

The Tax return for wealth and income tax - wage earners and pensioners: is pre-completed with the information which the Tax Administration has about you, either from internal databases or from banks, insurance companies, clients or employers and other public agencies.

Taxpayers who must submit a tax return on behalf of a deceased person cannot submit the return online. These tax returns must be submitted on paper.

If you discover that you have to alter the tax return because you have made an error or received new or revised information for the income years 2021, 2020 or 2019, you no longer need to appeal in order to have the information corrected. Instead, you can amend the information by submitting RF-1366 Endringsmelding for formue- og inntektsskatt for personlige skattepliktige for the actual year. (Correction for wealth and income tax 2021/2020/2019 for personal taxpayers - in Norwegian only).

Do you need assistance?

The Norwegian Tax Administration's user support can help you with questions related to the completion of forms.

Telephone 800 80 000

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