Contact information

Under contact information you can choose where you wish to be notified, and for what. This concerns both you as an individual and for businesses.

All Altinn roles

This section contains a list of all Altinn roles, and who has the roles automatically delegated to them.


The user gives consent for a third party to gain temporary access to specific sets of previously collected data about the user.

Client delegation

Client delegation is a functionality that gives accountants and auditors possibility to delegate roles for the clients to the employees of the accounting/auditing company.

Estate delegation

When a bankruptcy administrator is registered for the company in liquidation in the Register of Legal Entities, the administrator can delegate roles for the company to colleagues and creditors.

Enterprise certificate

An enterprise certificate is a authentication method connected to an organization number. User(s) has to be created, and access has to be given. Please note that not all services are available using an enterprise certificate.

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