Follow this process (demands that you are Access manager or Main administrator for the chosen party).

You may give others rights to a single service which gives access to a specific form or a role which gives access to several forms. Follow this process (demands that you are Access manager for the chosen party).

Log in to Altinn and choose the correct party: 

1. Go to Profile.
2. Choose Others with rights to forms and services / the organization
3. Choose which person or business you want to give rights to, or click "Add New"
Once you've found the person you're giving rights to, there are two ways of giving rights: by Single services or by a Role:

Single service:

4. Click "+ Provide access to individual services"
5. Search for the form/service in question
6. Click on "Add" (search for a new form/service and add these if needed)
7. Click "Proceed" (at the bottom of the page)
8. Click "Confirm delegation"

4. Click "Also has these roles"
5. Click "+ Add new role" a list of roles will appear
6. Click on the blue plus sign by the role(s) you want to give
7. Click Done

(If you want to see what forms and services the role grants access to, you can click the question mark next to the role name.)

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