Guides on various topics and industries

Guide for choosing legal structure

Are you unsure of which legal structure to choose?

By answering three questions in our guide, you will find answers to which legal structure may be relevant to you.

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Startup Tutorial for Sole proprietorships

Do you know what it takes to succeed and what this will require of you? The startup tutorial will help prepare you for what it entails to have a sole proprietorship. The tutorial will provide you with information on what to consider and how you should proceed.

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Oppstartsveileder for aksjeselskap

Vet du hva som skal til for å lykkes og hva det krever av deg? Oppstartsveilederen skal bidra til å gjøre deg forberedt på hva det innebærer å ha et aksjeselskap. Veilederen gir deg informasjon om hva du bør tenke på og hvordan du bør gå frem.

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Veileder for serveringsbransjen

Skal du starte i serveringsbransjen?

I vår veileder får du, ved å svare på inntil 16 spørsmål, en oversikt over hvilke regler du må forholde deg til når du skal starte og drive en restaurant, kafé/kro, gatekjøkken/fastfood, kantine, catering, nattklubb/pub/bar, matvogn/foodtruck eller markedsbod.

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Guide for the cleaning industry

Are you starting a cleaning company?

Our guide will give you an overview of the rules and regulations you have to follow when starting and running a company involved in cleaning premises, facades, industrial machinery, ventilation installations, shipping and transportation containers, decontamination cleaning, interior and exterior cleaning and maintenance of vehicles.

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Guide for the food and beverage services sector

Are you establishing a business in the food and beverage services sector?

Our guide will give you an overview of the rules and regulations relevant to you when establishing a restaurant, diner/café, fast food outlet, cafeteria, catering, nightclub/pub/bar, food truck or food stall.

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