Collective marks and guarantee or certification marks

An entrepreneurs' association can obtain exclusive rights for its members to use a trademark or other marks for its products or services. This could for example be an association for painters, doctors or horse breeders.

Government bodies, foundations, companies, etc. which carry out controls on products or services can also register a collective mark. This also applies to bodies which establish standards for products and services. The mark can be used on products which the standards or controls apply to. This could for example be ecolabels, control labels, etc.

Collective marks follow the rules for trademarks, but specific provisions also apply for use of such a mark. Applications for collective marks must be submitted to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office via Altinn. You must pay an application fee before your application can be processed; see the Norwegian Industrial Property Office's price list. 

The Norwegian Industrial Property Office – Collective Marks

Fees - Price List for Trademarks

The Trademark Act (in Norwegian only)

The Trademark Regulations (in Norwegian only)

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