Holidays during Illness, parental leave and layoff period

Employees who fall ill before or during their holiday may have a right to a new holiday or to have their holiday postponed. There are specific rules for holiday while on parental leave, during military service and during a period of notice.

Illness before or during holiday

Employees who fall ill before their holiday can request that their holiday be deferred until later in the holiday year. The employee must obtain a medical certificate and submit a request for deferment by no later than the day before the holiday starts.

Employees who are ill during part or all of their holiday can request a corresponding number of days' holiday later in the holiday year. The employee must also obtain a medical certificate and submit the request as soon as possible after they have resumed work in this case.

The right to defer holiday or be granted new holiday only applies to the statutory holiday.

The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority – Holiday

The Annual Holidays Act (in Norwegian only)

The Annual Holidays Act on illness during holiday (in Norwegian only)

Holiday and parental leave

Employees have a right, but not an obligation, to take statutory holiday during the period of leave when they receive parental benefit. The leave will then be deferred by a period corresponding to the employee's holiday.

Holiday and military service

If any of your employees have to perform mandatory service in the Home Guard or Civil Defense, or attend a refresher exercise in the Armed Forces, you cannot require them to take their vacation at the same time. If the mandatory service coincides with already planned vacation, the employee can request to postpone the vacation days.

Holiday during periods of notice

You cannot schedule holiday during a period of notice unless the employee agrees to this. This does not apply if the duration of the period of notice is three months or more.

The Annual Holidays Act on holiday during periods of notice (in Norwegian only)


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